Monday, February 28, 2011

Summery of The Badass Seed.

Hey guys sorry that I posted this a little late but I just saw the new Pretty Little Liars over the weekend. On this new episode there was a lot of romance. Hanna was seen taking an accidental shower with Caleb! She was hiding him from her mom when she came home early. Hanna struggles with asking and convincing her mom to let Caleb live in the guest room. Aria's having a small problem with her illegal love, Ezra. She accidentally called him by his first name in a play practice. He was a little upset at her for this, but he later forgave her in his apartment with a little kissing. Spencer and Toby are getting closer. She tried to reach for his hand on the last new episode but unfortunately she couldn't. Emily seems to be getting closer to Paige. She seems to want to be more than friends with her. We saw a lot of Ali in this episode. At Ian's frat party she seemed to want to be loving some guy that night. In the end we saw three rats. Their cages were labled Aria, Emily, Hanna, and Spencer. All of them were there except Spencer's rat. What does A have planned for the girls this time? Who knows. Guess we'll all find out tonight on a new episode of Pretty Little Liars at 8/7c on ABC Family.


Friday, February 25, 2011

Character 101: Hanna

Hanna is the fashionista of Pretty Little Liars. She always has all of the latest things from the top designers. She sounds perfect right... well wrong. Poor Hanna's had the worst luck of all of the liars. Her dad made her the least favorite of his two children after seeing Hanna's perfect step sister, Kate. The first day Hanna met Kate she brought Ali with her. Ali and Kate were having a wonderful time leaving Hanna out of the picture. When her dad saw her eating he called her a little piggy causing Hanna to throw up all of the food she ate. That's one of her problems; she used to be bulimic and is always tempted to go back. One of her other problems is that Hanna has boy issues. We start both the book and the show with Hanna dating Sean. When Sean dumps her for refusing to sleep with her Hanna moved down the popularity latter to Lucas. When Lucas left her she went to Caleb. The major question is will Hanna stay with Caleb? The last and final problems of our little Hanna is that she's having finantial issues and stealing. Hanna's been busted a few times for stealing and has been punished for it.


Thursday, February 24, 2011

Big News for Pretty Little Liar Music Lovers

Hey Liars! There's new news for all of you music lovers. The Pretty Little Liars soundtrack is coming soon! The soundtrack includes the theme song of the show "Secrets" by The Pierces and many other songs you love! Any true Pretty Little Liars fan would have this added to thier collection. So go out and buy your copy today!
Songs included in the Pretty Little Liars Soundtrack:
1.    The Pierces - “Secret”
2.    Ben’s Brother - “Beauty Queen”
3.    Colbie Caillat - “I Won’t”
4.    MoZella - “More Of You”   
5.    Orelia Has Orchestra - “Suggestions”
6.    Brooke Waggoner - “Fresh Pair Of Eyes”
7.    Katie Herzig - “Jack And Jill”
8.    Andrew Belle - “All Those Pretty Lights”
9.    Love Grenades - “Genius Of Fun”
10.  2AM Club - “Make You Mine”
11.  Matthew Perryman Jones - “Out Of Reach"
12.  Fay Wolf- "Your Love"


Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Character 101: Aria

Aria is the odd one out of the four girls of Pretty Little Liars. She has always been the one to dress and act like someone different. In the book series she used to knit accessories for her and her friends. In the show, Aria dresses out of the ordinary by wearing daring. She also acts out of the ordinary. She acts more mature than the rest of the Pretty Little Liars (which might be why she's attracting older guys). Aria's not afraid to be different which none of us should. She doesn't let others get the best of her.


Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Hanna and Caleb

Hello Pretty Little Liars! If any of you have seen the past few Pretty Little Liars then you know there's a new hottie on the show... Caleb. He's got one liar falling head over Gucci heels for him. If that clue didn't help you figure out who it was it's Hanna Marin. Ever since Lucas' absence she's been helping Caleb by letting him stay in her house instead of with his foster parents. The only thing wrong with this favor Hanna's doing is that Mrs. Marin doesn't know about it. In the last episode "The Badass Seed" Hanna tried to convince her mom to let Caleb stay in the guest room. In an attempt to keep her mom from finding Caleb, Hanna got in the shower with him to make her mom believe she was showering. Hanna also told Caleb she wanted to kiss him and voila they did! Will Haleb be the new hot couple in Rosewood Day will these two just be friends?
The soon to be hottest couple in Rosewood Day, Hanna and Caleb, cheer on thier good friend Emily at a Rosewood Day swim meet. The two have been friends for a while now and have had a connection that's more than friendly. Hopefully Haleb will be the new hot couple in Rosewood Day!


Friday, February 18, 2011


A. this is the gigantic pain in the butt for the four Pretty Little Liars girls. Who ever it is is out to get the girls and destroy them. At first the girls thought that A was Alison, but as it goes to show it isn't. Who could this mystery person be? I wanna hear from you. Post your thoughts on who A can be.


Thursday, February 17, 2011

New Features!

Hey Liars! I'm introducing a new feature on my blog! It's called Character 101. At least 2-3 times a week I'll tell you a bit about the characters of Pretty Little Liars. We will see their lives on screen and in the books. So log on to read about all of the different characters on Pretty Little Liars!


Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Summary of The New Normal

Last night there was an all new Pretty Little Liars. In this episode the four girls start off at Spencer's house investigating what a message that Toby left her means. The message was in braille. When the girls figured it out it said "Bad". Toby told Spencer that wasn't it. She went over to his house to see if he could help her out with it. He told her he was being let of the hook. Spencer drove him to get his alarm off of his leg. She then let him roam around Rosewood. Spencer then figured out that the message said 214. We were left hanging as to what 214 really means. Hanna's dealing with Caleb living in her house and her moms money issue. When Mrs. Marin finds out that one of her clients great-nephew was going to take the money she is stuck on figuring out if he is who he says he is. Caleb comes to the rescue and finds out that he is an impostor and that Mrs. Marin's client didn't have any living relatives. Caleb also announces that he's moving to Arizona to find a home there. Aria's stuck dealing with her relationship with Ezra. When the teachers in the English department decide to go to a book signing Byron gets jealous. He goes to talk with Ezra about the book signing and things didn't go too well. He thinks that Ella likes Ezra. Now Aria's caught in a love triangle between her illegal boyfriend and her parents. Aria also decided to forgive Hanna for giving her mom the ticket to the art exhibit. Emily has been having problems with Paige. We last left off with them swimming in the pool. Now Paige's father comes to school to talk with the swim coach about Emily being picked for team captain instead of Paige. He thinks that they're giving her special treatment because she's gay. Emily's mom has had the hardest time adjusting to her daughters new lifestyle. In the end she finally realized that she loves Emily and has to accept her for who she is. Paige's father also had to learn to accept that Emily is a better swimmer that Paige and that just because she's gay doesn't mean that she deserves any special treatment. The episode finished with a surprise kiss by Paige and Emily after Paige apologized for what happened between her dad and Emily.


Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentines Day!

HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!!! Today is the day of love and as we know there is a lot of love on Pretty Little Liars. Who knows what they do to celebrate this day. But as it's looking for them today isn't going to be such a great Valentines Day. Aria can't celebrate it with Ezra without having to leave Rosewood, Emily's stuck home alone without Maya there since she was shipped away to a rehab center to deal with her "drug problem", Spencer's recent break-up with Alex has left her alone (but who knows maybe Ian can help calm her down), and Hanna might be the only one with someone to share this day with. The only question is who? Will she be with Caleb or Lucas? Who knows. Guess we'll have to find out tonight on an all new Pretty Little Liars on ABC Family at 8/7c.


Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Ella and Byron

We all know the parents of Aria and Mike Montgomery. We also all know their story. Byron was caught by Aria and Ali kissing one of his students in his car. Aria kept the secret from their mom for a while until a certian little pest named A spilled the beans. She told Ella that Byron was cheating on her and she kicked him out of the house. The got an official divorce a few weeks later. In the last Pretty Little Liars we saw that Byron and Ella were meeting up in the school library. It looks as though they were supposed to be on a date. In the episode before last they kissed in Byrons car. Do you think Byron and Ella are going to get back together?


Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Summary of Je Suis Un Ami

Ok so last night there was a new Pretty Little Liars. Aria is dealing with a mystery of what happened to her mom at the art gallery the other night. Her dad is also acting a little sneaky. She decides to follow her dad to school and spy on what he's doing. It turns out that Byron is having an affair... with Ella! Spencer's having problems figuring out who Ali's killer is. She volunteered to tutor Toby in French III. While there they talked on the front porch. At that moment Spencer realized that Toby was being framed. She is now trying to figure out who would frame him. Hanna's beginning to grow on Caleb. After helping her by taking out some plugs in Ella's car he asked her to go on a date with him as the payment. Before the date Hanna went with Aria to spy on her parents after finding out that they were having an affair with eachother she discovered a sleeve hanging out of a vent. In the vent was the jacket A always used, Mrs. Marin's money, and a phone. Could this be A? Who knows? In the end Hanna found out that Caleb was living in a foster home and decided to take him under her wing by letting him stay in her house. Emily continues her battle with Paige. The night before the big meet Paige biked to Em's house in the rain and told her that what ever happens happens. At the meet she finds out that Paige got hurt while biking and could not compete in the big race. At the end of the race Paige comes and sits by the pool. Emily told Paige that she should be her friend and that she should swim for fun not because you want to be better than everyone. In the end Hanna told Aria that she had sent her mom the ticket to the art museum in order to get back the money A stole. Aria got mad and is now not talking to Hanna. Spencer is trying to figure out who could have framed Toby and gets some shocking news from Melissa... She's pregnant! Our little Spencer's gonna be an auntie!


Monday, February 7, 2011

Paige and Emily

Ok so on the last Pretty Little Liars we all met the new character Paige, played by Lindsay Shaw (10 Things I Hate About You, Ned's Declassified School Survival Guide). She wants to be the new team captian for the Rosewood Day Sharks. Unfortunately, the rest of the team and the coach believe it rightfully belongs to Emily. She will do anything to become captain such as bribing the team, attempting to drown Emily, sweet talking the coach, etc. Oh did I say trying to drown poor Emily? Well that's right she tried to kill her in order to be team captain, because without some competition she can just become the new captain. So I wanna hear what you think of Paige do you love her or is she a monster?

Saturday, February 5, 2011


Ok so if you saw the Pretty Little Liars episode "If at First You Don't Succeed, Lie, Lie Again" you might have seen Hanna's small remark to Justin Bieber so does this mean that she's a Bieleber? She could be. She was all protective of him when Caleb was insulting him. I wanna hear your comments. What do you think? Does Hanna have Bieber Fever? Plus, the new Justin Bieber movie "Never Say Never" comes out soon! Are you as excited as I am? I wanna hear what all of my Bielebers have to say!


Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Summary of "If at First You don't Succeed, Lie, Lie Again

Here's a little recap of last nights all new Pretty Little Liars. The four girls slept over Spencers house and were awakened to Aria telling them something about the picture A had sent them. Hanna's dealing with her moms money issues throughout the beginning of the episode. Aria's part of the episode ties in with Hanna's. Hanna gets a note from A saying that if she wants more money she needs to tell Aria's mom about her secret relationship with Ezra. Hanna is left on whether to get back the money her mother stole or to break her friendship with Aria. Aria's part of the episode deals with her trying to find a way to go on a date with Ezra. Spencer gets her two tickets to a new art museum that is opening in Philidelphia. Ella gets a ticket from the "school PTA" (really Hanna) to go to the art museum too. Her car breaks down and not knowing what to do she calls Byron. In the end Byron drives her to the museum and they share a kiss in the car. Spencer deals with finding out who the person in the shadow of the picture really is. She hears that Jason is back in town and goes to see if he knows. He tells her that he used to get high with a bunch of friends and he would do things he didn't even now about. Emily's stuck dealing with a jealous team mate through out the episode. Lindsay Shaw (10 Things I Hate About You, Ned's Declassified School Survival Guide) guest stars as Paige. She is trying to get the position of team captain. Unfortunately the coach thinks that Emily deserves the position more since she always works hard. As an attempt to push Emily out of the position she bribes everyone to make her captain by giving out beaded bracelets saying "Go Sharks". In the end the four girls discover that the bracelet was made at the same place Ali made the friendship ones last year and the fake one they found in the woods. Spencer goes to investigate what's going on and finds that someone used her name to put in the records of purchases. Back at Spencer's house she has a flashback of the night Ali disappeared. She saw herself fighting with Ali and wishing Ali would just drop dead. Realizing what she had just said, Spencer ran out to find Ali and apologize. She told the other three that the shadow was most probably hers when she was chasing Ali. They all ran to the window and looked out in Ali's old back yard. When they looked at the window to her old room they saw Jason looking out the window staring at them. The episode ends with the clerk at the beading bracelet shop talking to a mystery person saying that she did exactly what he/she told her to.
