Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Summary of The New Normal

Last night there was an all new Pretty Little Liars. In this episode the four girls start off at Spencer's house investigating what a message that Toby left her means. The message was in braille. When the girls figured it out it said "Bad". Toby told Spencer that wasn't it. She went over to his house to see if he could help her out with it. He told her he was being let of the hook. Spencer drove him to get his alarm off of his leg. She then let him roam around Rosewood. Spencer then figured out that the message said 214. We were left hanging as to what 214 really means. Hanna's dealing with Caleb living in her house and her moms money issue. When Mrs. Marin finds out that one of her clients great-nephew was going to take the money she is stuck on figuring out if he is who he says he is. Caleb comes to the rescue and finds out that he is an impostor and that Mrs. Marin's client didn't have any living relatives. Caleb also announces that he's moving to Arizona to find a home there. Aria's stuck dealing with her relationship with Ezra. When the teachers in the English department decide to go to a book signing Byron gets jealous. He goes to talk with Ezra about the book signing and things didn't go too well. He thinks that Ella likes Ezra. Now Aria's caught in a love triangle between her illegal boyfriend and her parents. Aria also decided to forgive Hanna for giving her mom the ticket to the art exhibit. Emily has been having problems with Paige. We last left off with them swimming in the pool. Now Paige's father comes to school to talk with the swim coach about Emily being picked for team captain instead of Paige. He thinks that they're giving her special treatment because she's gay. Emily's mom has had the hardest time adjusting to her daughters new lifestyle. In the end she finally realized that she loves Emily and has to accept her for who she is. Paige's father also had to learn to accept that Emily is a better swimmer that Paige and that just because she's gay doesn't mean that she deserves any special treatment. The episode finished with a surprise kiss by Paige and Emily after Paige apologized for what happened between her dad and Emily.


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