Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Summary of Je Suis Un Ami

Ok so last night there was a new Pretty Little Liars. Aria is dealing with a mystery of what happened to her mom at the art gallery the other night. Her dad is also acting a little sneaky. She decides to follow her dad to school and spy on what he's doing. It turns out that Byron is having an affair... with Ella! Spencer's having problems figuring out who Ali's killer is. She volunteered to tutor Toby in French III. While there they talked on the front porch. At that moment Spencer realized that Toby was being framed. She is now trying to figure out who would frame him. Hanna's beginning to grow on Caleb. After helping her by taking out some plugs in Ella's car he asked her to go on a date with him as the payment. Before the date Hanna went with Aria to spy on her parents after finding out that they were having an affair with eachother she discovered a sleeve hanging out of a vent. In the vent was the jacket A always used, Mrs. Marin's money, and a phone. Could this be A? Who knows? In the end Hanna found out that Caleb was living in a foster home and decided to take him under her wing by letting him stay in her house. Emily continues her battle with Paige. The night before the big meet Paige biked to Em's house in the rain and told her that what ever happens happens. At the meet she finds out that Paige got hurt while biking and could not compete in the big race. At the end of the race Paige comes and sits by the pool. Emily told Paige that she should be her friend and that she should swim for fun not because you want to be better than everyone. In the end Hanna told Aria that she had sent her mom the ticket to the art museum in order to get back the money A stole. Aria got mad and is now not talking to Hanna. Spencer is trying to figure out who could have framed Toby and gets some shocking news from Melissa... She's pregnant! Our little Spencer's gonna be an auntie!


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