Thursday, March 31, 2011

Pretty Little Liars: Flawless

Flawless mainly deals with the girls dealing with the one thing that keeps them together: The Jenna Thing. When Jenna and her brother, Toby, return to Rosewood they bring back memories for the girls. With the local school dance, Foxy, around the corner, some relationships will be broken and some will be made. Will A threaten to reveal their secrets to the world?


Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Character 101: Ian

For all of you that have read the books and seen Pretty Little Liars on ABC Family then you all know about Ian Thomas. Ian used to go out with Spencer's sister, Melissa, back in high school. One day Spencer and Ian were talking and Ian kissed Spencer. Ali saw the whole thing and said she was going to tell Melissa what the two had done. After a few years of Ali being missing Ian disappeared. Now that Ali has been put back in the spot light, he has returned to Rosewood. Unfortunately, Ian has been considered one of the suspects that killed Ali. The four girls also discovered a video that A sent them about Ian and Ali in the woods the night she went missing. Now Ian was found dead by the girls, but when the police came and inspected the spot he died on, his body was missing. Where is his body? What happened to Ian? Is he really dead? Who knows we'll have to find out either in the books or when the show comes back in June.


Monday, March 28, 2011

Character 101: Alison

We all know the story line to Pretty Little Liars, but where would the show or books be without Alison DiLaurentes! Ali has been described as the most beautiful girl in Rosewood. All of the girls wanted to be her and all of the guys wanted to date her. She is the one that got the liars together and helped them become who they now are. One day at an innocent sleep over Ali got in a fight with Spencer and was no where to be found for years. A few years later her body was found and the case of Ali being missing was changed to a murder case. She was pushed into a hole in her back yard by someone after they had strangled her to death. Her memory still lives on in the residents of Rosewood day and her ghost haunts those that she ridiculed. Now, the police is trying to discover who it is that killed Ali and why they would have done such a horrible thing.


Friday, March 25, 2011

Character 101: Emily

I have done one of these profiles on all of the characters except one of our favorite, special liars... Emily! Emily is known for her many relationships in Pretty Little Liars. She has gone out with over four different people so far. Emily is also a very competitive swimmer. Her parents have put all of their children through swimming for college scholarships and many other things that swimming has to offer. Emily's had to deal with some tough times with Ali. When ever she got a new boyfriend Emily was devastated. When she found out Ali was dead she took it the hardest. She has now found many other people to replace Ali but hasn't been able to get over her death.


Thursday, March 24, 2011

Pretty Little Liars

Ok guys since our favorite show is over :( I'm gonna tell you guys a bit about the books. The first one starts off as Pretty Little Liars. It tells the over all story of each girl and about the time they had with Ali before her tragic disappearance. The book tells us all about the girls adventures with Ali and all of the secrets they told her. Ali's dissapearance has caused them to separate from eachother. Aria has become the outside, weird girl in Rosewood day while Hanna became the most popular girl. Spencer has become the over achiever and Emily is the swim freak that doesn't know who she is supposed to like. When a mysterious person, who goes by the name of A, begins sending them messages about their past will they be drawn back together? Who knows. So go out and read the Pretty Little Liars series!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Shocking News on the Pretty Little Liars Season Finale

For all of you who saw the season finale of Pretty Litttle Liars, then you probably noticed a ton of shocking things happening that kept you on the edge of your seat. A had some special things planned for our favorite liars. The girls were trying to get Ian accused of killing Ali. Once they all found out that it was him who was filming them during all of the sleepovers at Ali's house, they were shocked. They also saw that Ian got a video of Jenna trying to seduce Toby. The four girls went to Jenna and asked her about the video that was shot. She told them that all that she knew about the video was that Ali was using it to blackmail her and to get her to agree on making Toby the suspect of who blinded her. Spencer had bought a prepaid phone with a blocked number. She texted Ian trying to see if he would recieve the message. Their plan worked. Hanna grabbed the phone and told him to meet them at the park at 6:00 pm with $10,000. Emily had told officer Garrett to meet them at the park to arrest Ian when he came. It turns out that Jenna is dating Garrett when we saw them making out in her room. At the park, we see three of the girls there waiting for Ian to show up. Spencer had to pick up Melissa at church since Ian never showed up. On the way home, Melissa noticed she was missing her phone. Spencer turned the car around to go back to the church. On the way back to the church, a car came out of nowhere and crashed into Spencer's car. At the hospital the doctors said that Spencer was fine and that it was a little to early to tell if Melissa's baby will be ok. Back at the park the three girls saw a car come and someone ran out. When Officer Garrett told them to turn around they saw it wasn't Ian but a random guy. They figured he must have hired him to take his place while he did something else. At the church, Spencer tries to find Melissa's missing phone when the front door slammed shut. She turned around and found Ian standing behind her. Spencer called Emily's phone so they can try and hear where she is and whats going on. She ran to the top of the bell tower trying to hide from Ian. He eventually caught her and tried to push her over the edge because she knew too much. He wanted to do it there so that it looks like Spencer tried to commit suicide. A mysterious person came and pushed Ian over the edge. Ian got tangled in the ropes and was strangled to death. By the time the liars came they found a shocked Spencer and helped her to the bottom of the church. The police asked her where the body was. She told them it was in the ropes but when she looked there was nothing there. We were then left hanging, trying to see whether Ian is still alive or what could have happened to his body.


Monday, March 21, 2011

Season Finale

Hey all of you liars! Tonight is the Season Finale of Pretty Little Liars. I bet you are all excited for the finale! I just hope that all of you liars won't be to sad when you go the entire spring without it. The show has been set to be renewed for a second season!


Friday, March 18, 2011

Summary of Someone to Watch Over Me part 4: Emily

Hey guys sorry I haven't posted all week. I know I'm a little late on my posts. On the last new Pretty Little Liars, Emily was dealing with some relationship drama. She saw Paige with Sean at lunch and was confused. She asked what was up and Paige said she wasn't ready to tell the world who she really was. She  was still trying to find out who she is. Later in the week, she went on a picnic with Em. They talked about them and what was happening and decided to break up for now since she wasn't ready. Now Emily is left confused and questioning about their relationship.


Saturday, March 12, 2011

Summary of Someone to Watch Over Me part 3: Spencer

Ok we all know that Spencer's had it really bad these past few episodes. It doesn't get any more worse that being accused for killing your best friend. Spencer had to be searched for anything that could have lead to the death of Alison. She was shocked when she saw all of the police men at her house searching her room. Her and Toby are now floating in the same boat. She's even considered running away. Toby told her to let him know when she's running away so that he can come with her.  Ian also wants to help her run away. Talk about creepy! Why would her enemy be helping her?


Thursday, March 10, 2011

Summary of Someone to Watch Over Me part 2: Aria

Yesterday I told you guys about Hanna's tragic end to the new episode on Monday, Someone to Watch Over Me. Well, today I'm gonna tell you about Aria. The episode starts off with the four girls together at school. Aria types a text to Ezra saying she wants to see his eyes. When she sends the message we see that she didn't send it to him she sent it to her mom! When she goes to see her mom after the next period, she asks her about the message and who's eyes she wants to see. Aria tells her that she's not ready to tell her parents about her relationship and she wants to keep it secret for now. Her mom tells Byron about the message and that she wants to keep secrets from them. Byron tells her that she learned it from them. The next day Byron invited Ella over for breakfast. Aria walks downstairs and sees an empty coffee mug. Her mom had come early and already had breakfast with Byron. Mike walks downstairs at the same time Ella walks in from her car. Mike saw them both together and thought they were getting back together. Byron told him that they weren't sure. Mike got mad and blamed Aria for their ruined family. He said it was her secret relationship with a mystery man that is going to cause them to be separated.


Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Summary of Someone to Watch Over Me part 1: Hanna

I've decided to do something a little different for this summary. For those of you who saw the new Pretty Little Liars on Monday night must have been shocked at all of the different things going on in the episode. I've decided to break it up into four different parts to keep you from getting confused. I'll start off by telling you about the most shocking and heartbreaking, Hanna and Caleb's breakup. Hanna thought Caleb was the perfect guy for her. After school one day Aria and Emily heard Caleb talking on the phone about not being able to do anything any more and that he wasn't going to work for this mystery person. When they told Hanna she was heartbroken. She fought with Caleb about what the mystery person wanted and why he was working for her. Caleb only did as the mystery person commanded but didn't ask why she asked for all of these thing to be done. Once the fight was over Caleb grabbed his things and left the house. I don't know if its for good or only because he was mad. Now heartbroken Hanna has nothing to do but go to the mystery person he was talking to on the phone. But who is this mystery person? Let me give you a hint: she's blind, and Toby's sister. Yep, that's right it was Jenna that Caleb was working for. The next day in the bathroom the four girls were talking when Jenna walked in. When Hanna saw her she walked up to her and slapped her in the face. I'm sure all of you liars out there were shocked that Hanna could slap a blind girl. She then grabbed her glasses and told her that was Hanna incase she didn't know it. In the end Hanna was crying in her room over her break up with Caleb.


Monday, March 7, 2011

New Shows

Some of you liars have heard about the big news that ABC Family's announced. If you haven't then you wouldn't know about the new show The Lying Game! That's right ABC Family is making a new show about Sara Shephard's newest book. The show is about two twins, Sutton and Emma, who were separated at birth. Sutton went on to live the good life with her wealthy parents, while Emma had to suck it up in a foster home. Sutton goes to Emma and tells her to try and live her life while she searches for their mysterious birth mother. When Sutton fails to return to their designated meeting place Emma faces the decition of exposing her identitiy or to continue living her sisters life. I think that this show will be filled with a lot of suspense, drama, and secrets. I'll have more information for you later!
The Lying Game Show
The Lying Game Book


Friday, March 4, 2011

Character 101: Spencer

Spencer Hastings is a girl of many words. Some words used to describe her are smart, an over achiever, and oh yeah we can't forget a liar. Spencer is probably one of the biggest liars of them all. She's had some big secrets to hide from the world. The biggest one of all might be that she had a crush on her sister's boyfriend and kissed him! She has always been known to try to one-up Alison. When A starts sending her messages she freaked out. The only person who knew her secrets was Ali. Now Spencer's sister, Melissa is married to her ex-boyfriend Ian and is dealing with her sister always being better than her. Spence also received a video from A of the night Ali disappeared. The video included Ian in it and showed him getting closer to her. The next thing you see and hear is heavy breathing and the camera is set on the floor. Ali is pushed and her hand grips the grass and leaves then rests. She thinks this might be how Ali died. The only guess on who did it is Ian. Spencer now has to watch her back because she's living with who they think is Ali's killer.


Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Toby and Spencer

If you saw Monday nights episode of Pretty Little Liars then you saw the amazing, cute couple Toby and Spencer made! The new hot couple pushed Haleb (Hanna and Caleb) out of everyone's favorite list. They stayed in the motel that Jenna was staying in right next door to room 214. They slept in the same bed that night and Spencer woke up the next morning with her arm around his body. She quickly took her arm out and got up. Later on that day, Toby told her that if she ever needed a place to stay she could call him and go to the motel. After he said that he kissed her! I'm sure everyone was shocked at that point. I hope we can see more of Spencer and Toby later on in the series.


Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Summary of A Person of Interest

Last nights Pretty Little Liars has been one of the best so far. There was alot of romance, suspence, and secrets. The show started off with the four girls at the police station being questioned about the trophy they found. They all lied to the detective about the evidence they found. Spencer and Toby had one of the best relationships in the whole episode. Her parents think she has a mental illness and want her to go see a phyciatrist. Shocked witht the news, Spencer heads for a motel with Toby. While there she hears someone playing the flute in the room next door to them. She later finds out that the room number is 214. They both sneak into the room and find a pair of sunglasses, Jenna's, and the bag that Ian had given her. They decided to spend the night to see if Jenna really lives in the room. In the morning, Spencer wakes up with her arms around Toby. She quickly takes them off and gets out of bed, waking Toby. They go next door and find out the flute was just a CD and the bag that Ian gave them had a pile of ice with a note from A saying that they're getting colder. In the end, Spencer was heading to her car to go home when Toby kissed her. I was shocked at this as a bunch of other fans must have been. Hanna had a hard time dealing with her mother in this episode. Her mom found out about Caleb staying in the house and kicked him out. An outraged Hanna followed behind him. They both camped out in the woods that night. They told each other their deepest, darkest secrets. Hanna's was that she used to be fat and Caleb had never met his father and when he was five his mom dropped him off at his aunts house to go shopping and never came back. Five years later he got a birthday card from her. The stamp was from Arizona, the last place he knew where she was. They started kissing and soon made their way to the tent. Once in the tent, they made love. The following morning Hanna came home. She told her mom she was staying out in the woods with Caleb and never coming home. After hearing this, her mother said that Caleb could live in the house. Emily had a romantic story in this episode. She started off with a bitter relationship with Paige. Once Paige told her she was  avoiding her after their kiss she felt a little better and said they'd pretend it never happened. Emily opened her locker and found a note from Paige saying to meet her at the address listed below. When she went to the date she had a fun time with Paige. The next day they went on a picnic where Paige said she wanted to keep their relationship a secret. Emily wasn't happy with this decision and decided that they just be friends for now. Aria was dealing with losing Ezra. She caught him talking to Jenna and wanted to know what was up between them. Jenna had entered a writing competition and had written a story about a girl who was blinded by her brother and sees things no one else sees. Sound familiar? It's Jenna's story. She wrote about the night that the girls blinded her and how Toby took the blame. Ezra found this story to be so fascinating and how Jenna was a good writer. Aria couldn't take it and came clean to him about her being one of the girls who blinded Jenna and how Toby was innocent. In the end of the episode, there were police cars parked in front of Spencer's house. Her parents told her that the police knew she lied to them and wanted to take care of her. Aria, Hanna, and Emily were freaked out by this. They all got a text from A saying that they'd better watch out because their next. That's what you missed on last nights all new Pretty Little Liars.
