Thursday, March 10, 2011

Summary of Someone to Watch Over Me part 2: Aria

Yesterday I told you guys about Hanna's tragic end to the new episode on Monday, Someone to Watch Over Me. Well, today I'm gonna tell you about Aria. The episode starts off with the four girls together at school. Aria types a text to Ezra saying she wants to see his eyes. When she sends the message we see that she didn't send it to him she sent it to her mom! When she goes to see her mom after the next period, she asks her about the message and who's eyes she wants to see. Aria tells her that she's not ready to tell her parents about her relationship and she wants to keep it secret for now. Her mom tells Byron about the message and that she wants to keep secrets from them. Byron tells her that she learned it from them. The next day Byron invited Ella over for breakfast. Aria walks downstairs and sees an empty coffee mug. Her mom had come early and already had breakfast with Byron. Mike walks downstairs at the same time Ella walks in from her car. Mike saw them both together and thought they were getting back together. Byron told him that they weren't sure. Mike got mad and blamed Aria for their ruined family. He said it was her secret relationship with a mystery man that is going to cause them to be separated.


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