Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Summary of A Person of Interest

Last nights Pretty Little Liars has been one of the best so far. There was alot of romance, suspence, and secrets. The show started off with the four girls at the police station being questioned about the trophy they found. They all lied to the detective about the evidence they found. Spencer and Toby had one of the best relationships in the whole episode. Her parents think she has a mental illness and want her to go see a phyciatrist. Shocked witht the news, Spencer heads for a motel with Toby. While there she hears someone playing the flute in the room next door to them. She later finds out that the room number is 214. They both sneak into the room and find a pair of sunglasses, Jenna's, and the bag that Ian had given her. They decided to spend the night to see if Jenna really lives in the room. In the morning, Spencer wakes up with her arms around Toby. She quickly takes them off and gets out of bed, waking Toby. They go next door and find out the flute was just a CD and the bag that Ian gave them had a pile of ice with a note from A saying that they're getting colder. In the end, Spencer was heading to her car to go home when Toby kissed her. I was shocked at this as a bunch of other fans must have been. Hanna had a hard time dealing with her mother in this episode. Her mom found out about Caleb staying in the house and kicked him out. An outraged Hanna followed behind him. They both camped out in the woods that night. They told each other their deepest, darkest secrets. Hanna's was that she used to be fat and Caleb had never met his father and when he was five his mom dropped him off at his aunts house to go shopping and never came back. Five years later he got a birthday card from her. The stamp was from Arizona, the last place he knew where she was. They started kissing and soon made their way to the tent. Once in the tent, they made love. The following morning Hanna came home. She told her mom she was staying out in the woods with Caleb and never coming home. After hearing this, her mother said that Caleb could live in the house. Emily had a romantic story in this episode. She started off with a bitter relationship with Paige. Once Paige told her she was  avoiding her after their kiss she felt a little better and said they'd pretend it never happened. Emily opened her locker and found a note from Paige saying to meet her at the address listed below. When she went to the date she had a fun time with Paige. The next day they went on a picnic where Paige said she wanted to keep their relationship a secret. Emily wasn't happy with this decision and decided that they just be friends for now. Aria was dealing with losing Ezra. She caught him talking to Jenna and wanted to know what was up between them. Jenna had entered a writing competition and had written a story about a girl who was blinded by her brother and sees things no one else sees. Sound familiar? It's Jenna's story. She wrote about the night that the girls blinded her and how Toby took the blame. Ezra found this story to be so fascinating and how Jenna was a good writer. Aria couldn't take it and came clean to him about her being one of the girls who blinded Jenna and how Toby was innocent. In the end of the episode, there were police cars parked in front of Spencer's house. Her parents told her that the police knew she lied to them and wanted to take care of her. Aria, Hanna, and Emily were freaked out by this. They all got a text from A saying that they'd better watch out because their next. That's what you missed on last nights all new Pretty Little Liars.


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