Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Summary of Someone to Watch Over Me part 1: Hanna

I've decided to do something a little different for this summary. For those of you who saw the new Pretty Little Liars on Monday night must have been shocked at all of the different things going on in the episode. I've decided to break it up into four different parts to keep you from getting confused. I'll start off by telling you about the most shocking and heartbreaking, Hanna and Caleb's breakup. Hanna thought Caleb was the perfect guy for her. After school one day Aria and Emily heard Caleb talking on the phone about not being able to do anything any more and that he wasn't going to work for this mystery person. When they told Hanna she was heartbroken. She fought with Caleb about what the mystery person wanted and why he was working for her. Caleb only did as the mystery person commanded but didn't ask why she asked for all of these thing to be done. Once the fight was over Caleb grabbed his things and left the house. I don't know if its for good or only because he was mad. Now heartbroken Hanna has nothing to do but go to the mystery person he was talking to on the phone. But who is this mystery person? Let me give you a hint: she's blind, and Toby's sister. Yep, that's right it was Jenna that Caleb was working for. The next day in the bathroom the four girls were talking when Jenna walked in. When Hanna saw her she walked up to her and slapped her in the face. I'm sure all of you liars out there were shocked that Hanna could slap a blind girl. She then grabbed her glasses and told her that was Hanna incase she didn't know it. In the end Hanna was crying in her room over her break up with Caleb.


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